Sunday, February 20, 2011

.:Best dream i've ever had:.

I was dreaming the whole time holding this baby boy on a rocking chair. The baby was so handsome. Too bad I'm not sure if the baby was mine or someone else. The whole time I was just holding the baby. The best part too was my dad was there, happy and strong. I wish parts of my dream will be true someday with a baby boy, but unfortunately my dad won't be able to be there...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bei Maejor - In Love (SNIPPET)

Ment2B - Dance Like We Making Love

Erik Santos Say You'll Never Go Music Video

Erik Santos .I'LL NEVER GO. Music Video With Lyrics

.:Am I lacking?:.

hold on i need to get this out of my chest! FUCK YOU! I believe I have done so much and sacrificed so much of my life to fight for you. I'm just trying to hold on and keeping it positive that everything will work out fine! Screw the "team" doesn't even exist in your vocabulary. Fuck your money is mine and blah blah blah..get real! I feel that you're not ready for this commitment because everything that comes out of my mouth is all nag to you. My point will never be heard because of your mind boggling EGO! is all up your ass and does not care about what others may try to say. It goes to one ear and out the other. Your bull shit don't make me feel any better anymore. Because it's just someone playing a role. Best Actor I may say. I do things genuinely, honestly, and full of sincerity..but how do you return it back? its more of an obligation to you, a task, or a job...My patience is running, running, running low..Soon enough I'm gone! Never ending fights/arguments. There was never a month that there was not a fight/argument. I know its not always me. Sometimes it's also you, I can see in your face when you lie, I don't have to tell you. I just leave it up to your conscience...Maybe 5 years is the time to say times up or game over!